Reflections for an Inclusive Leader


Let’s honestly admit that celebration is hard to come by this holiday season. It’s not Scroogey to acknowledge how much suffering 2020 has delivered. And it’s vital for many of us who have experienced much advantage in life to acknowledge that others have faced many years filled with the inequities of suffering. 

What to do? As an aspiring inclusive leader, here’s what I’m prioritizing as I head into 2021. Perhaps you can build your own list of therapeutic behaviors.

  • Radical self-care: Every 24 hours needs intentional breathing, stretching, exercise, sleep, laughing, healthy food, spiritual focus, and a dog.

  • An unwillingness to argue: I change the subject or disengage when a conversation heads into conflict in a manner that makes me doubt the potential for mutual learning. I will likely re-engage later.

  • An active, mindful hunt for goodness: I attend to the grace and care I receive from those who love me, and seek stories that remind me how good people can be.

  • Deep, old-fashioned listening: I can offer my care-full intentions to each person I am with, by focusing on what they mean to communicate and then validating them.

Self-care, smart conflict, and the discipline to focus on goodness and listening—these are decisions we can make that will help us navigate 2021, whatever it brings. And we get to do it all together. I hope the end of 2020 brings you renewal.


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